Friday, September 2, 2011

Love is....

Love is a w a t e r f a l l.
Love is a football game.
Love is music.
Love is dancing.
Love is movie.
Love is a hurricane.
Love is a lovsong.
L  o  v  e   i  s   a   r  u  n  a  w  a  y   t  r  a  i  n  .
Love is a rock concert.
Love is a hairless monkey. (unexpected.)
Love is a gamble.
Love is a memory.
Love is walking on tight rope.
Love is a tangled chain.
Love is a busy street.
Love is goodbye.


  1. I like the "Love is goodbye." Kind of depressing, but in a good way.

  2. Good ideas about love... Although the hairless monkey was unneeded.

  3. I liked the monkey. It really WAS unexpected :)and the tangled chain one is cool, it has a nice rhythm

  4. love the "love is a tangled chain!!!" love it all, supreme writing:)
