Sunday, September 25, 2011


Life is Beautiful. I don't know what it's like to lose someone very close to me, but I feel for all you out there that has lost someone dear.  We don't realize what we have until it's gone.  Recognize the beauty in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
1: Physically losing your life.
2: Emotionally or mentally oblivious.
3: Gone.
4: Without pleasure or purpose.
5: On the verge of any of the above.

I don't know about you, but I'm freaking scared of dying.  So what am I gonna do?

I'm gonna rock out.
I'm gonna dance.
I'm gonna be stupid, because you don't get smart without experimenting.
I'm gonna be smart.
I'm gonna tell them how I really feel and hope I don't get rejected.
I'm gonna hope.
I'm gonna take chances.
I'm gonna fail.
I'm gonna spend time with those I love.
I'm gonna accept what happens.
I'm gonna kiss them, before I die.
What the heck.
We're gonna die. Eff.

Better make it count.
I wanna run away, I wanna have money, I wanna find love, I wanna be loved, I wanna face them, I wanna be some body, I wanna show the world that I can be some body who doesn't care what other people think, some body who wasn't afraid.

I am afraid.

I'm afraid of boring people, I'm afraid of boring people.  I'm afraid of being alone forever, I'm afraid no one cares, I'm afraid that I'm shy.  I'm afraid of loving someone who doesn't love me.  I'm afraid of failing,

NO. Wait!  I'm not afraid of failing, because we learn by failure.
I'm afraid of failing someone of something, like trust.
I ' M  A F R A I D  O F  E V E R Y T H I N G .
I'm afraid of nothing.
I'm afraid of HATE.  I'm afraid of LOVE.  I'm afraid of loving you, then losing you.
I don't know about you, but I'm freaking scared of dying.  So what am I gonna do?

We'll see what happens while I'm enjoying my life while I can.  Peace.


  1. This is awesome. I like the way you incorporated multiple prompts and not only talked about dying but living, and trying to live life to the fullest. Amazing, Keep it up

  2. "I'm gonna take chances." LOVE IT!!! loved the whole format you did this in:) great voice within your writing:)

  3. It's good to know you're gonna fail. I think it's important people know that they won't succeed every time but that we shouldn't be afraid of failure. Very nice post (as usual) hahah:)

  4. "I'm gonna be stupid, because you don't get smart without experimenting." too true. Loved it.

  5. Ooh. I loved your voice. And your short sentences? Like 'Eff'. I loved that. I just loved the whole thing. Good job!
