Sunday, September 25, 2011


Life is Beautiful. I don't know what it's like to lose someone very close to me, but I feel for all you out there that has lost someone dear.  We don't realize what we have until it's gone.  Recognize the beauty in EVERYTHING and EVERYONE.
1: Physically losing your life.
2: Emotionally or mentally oblivious.
3: Gone.
4: Without pleasure or purpose.
5: On the verge of any of the above.

I don't know about you, but I'm freaking scared of dying.  So what am I gonna do?

I'm gonna rock out.
I'm gonna dance.
I'm gonna be stupid, because you don't get smart without experimenting.
I'm gonna be smart.
I'm gonna tell them how I really feel and hope I don't get rejected.
I'm gonna hope.
I'm gonna take chances.
I'm gonna fail.
I'm gonna spend time with those I love.
I'm gonna accept what happens.
I'm gonna kiss them, before I die.
What the heck.
We're gonna die. Eff.

Better make it count.
I wanna run away, I wanna have money, I wanna find love, I wanna be loved, I wanna face them, I wanna be some body, I wanna show the world that I can be some body who doesn't care what other people think, some body who wasn't afraid.

I am afraid.

I'm afraid of boring people, I'm afraid of boring people.  I'm afraid of being alone forever, I'm afraid no one cares, I'm afraid that I'm shy.  I'm afraid of loving someone who doesn't love me.  I'm afraid of failing,

NO. Wait!  I'm not afraid of failing, because we learn by failure.
I'm afraid of failing someone of something, like trust.
I ' M  A F R A I D  O F  E V E R Y T H I N G .
I'm afraid of nothing.
I'm afraid of HATE.  I'm afraid of LOVE.  I'm afraid of loving you, then losing you.
I don't know about you, but I'm freaking scared of dying.  So what am I gonna do?

We'll see what happens while I'm enjoying my life while I can.  Peace.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

I walk alone.
I walk alone.

These streets are filled with people, scribbled in every space.
Yet,  that doesn't matter. No matter what I try to do, no one can hear my vibrant voice.
I see a BROKEN TYPEWRITER with nothing but a sentence written.

I walk alone.
I walk alone.

Broken buildings, washed out streets, ruined cars are what I see.
I see a jar of unspoken words.
Billboards plastered with dancing people, because dancing with you is a broken dream.

I walk alone.

I see a broken stethoscope,
a rusty needle,
a split scalpel.
A shattered heart.
I see a couple holding hands.

I walk...

Being a good kid comes with a cheap price.
I feel gossip drip out of young people's lips like poison.
I walk into a deserted Jazz lounge.
I see a broken, dusty piano.  
Keys on the floor, crushed.
I walk outside, I can't see those lovely stars.
A raindrop splashes my face; cold as the Arctic Ocean.
I  s e e  a n  a b a n d o n e d  w e d d i n g  a l t e r with wilted, white roses and thorns intertwined. 
Thorns jostle my heart and dreams. 

I walk alone.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm thinking about you.

You asked me who I think about.
Oh, how I wish I could say, I think about you.
I'm thinking about you like people think about money, like bears think about honey.
How the Joker thinks It's funny,
how much I think about you.
I think about you like artists think about art, like love thinks about hearts and hearts think about love.
Like cupid thinks about love.  How kids think about mud.
No, I don't know what love is or how to explain it, but I know I love thinking about you.
I'm thinking about you like misery thinks about happiness, like the sky thinks about stars.
How paparazzi think about stars, like aliens think about mars.
I'm thinking about you like guys think about girls and girls think about guys.
Like Juliet thinks about Romeo, like those kids who love the song we know.
I'm thinking about you like yesterday dreams about tomorrow, like dancers think about dancing and surfers think about the waves and fish think about the ocean, how girls think about drama and actors think about drama and how sluts think about karma?
It doesn't matter what the comparison is, I'm always thinking about you.
You felt the awkward, long pause and you asked again who I think about.
I replied, "I could be in a room full of people and feel alone, until I'm thinking about them."
Until I'm thinking about you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Love is....

Love is a w a t e r f a l l.
Love is a football game.
Love is music.
Love is dancing.
Love is movie.
Love is a hurricane.
Love is a lovsong.
L  o  v  e   i  s   a   r  u  n  a  w  a  y   t  r  a  i  n  .
Love is a rock concert.
Love is a hairless monkey. (unexpected.)
Love is a gamble.
Love is a memory.
Love is walking on tight rope.
Love is a tangled chain.
Love is a busy street.
Love is goodbye.