Sunday, December 11, 2011

This is for You.

This is for you.

This, this is for the undecided majors.  This is for the loners.  This is for the teenagers cursed with love.  This is for the heartbroken.  This is for the greasers and the preps and the jocks and the nerds.

Stop and breathe.

This is for the fat girls.  This is for the skinny guys.  This is for the anorexic.  This is for the bingers and the geeks and the police chiefs. This is for the heartbroken mothers and the brothers out fighting in war.  This is for the tear drops and the failures.

Stop and breathe.

This is for the people who used to believe in love.  This is for those who still believe in love.  This is for the people who gave up.  This is for the sinners, the winners.  This is for the liars and cheaters.  This is for the criers and the believers.  This is for the stoners and those who let their dream fall right through their fingers.

Stop and breathe.  Take a minute to soak it all up.  Because all this, is the reality folks.  When you're dying to change and changing to live instead of die.  When you're fighting against the pain and can't help but ask if you're still sane.  When you are trying to forget all the bad and ignore all the rotten things in your life; Stop and breathe.

Don't waste another second of your freaking life.
Yeah, you're barely above the surface, but you're not dead.
So, stop and breathe.
It, will be alright.

1 comment:

  1. I love the last two paragraphs. It really ties the whole thing together and kind of forces people to get a grip on life.
